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Currently, in India, rape is second in frequency only to incest. The conviction rate for rape cases in India is around 26% according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2012 statistics. What's worse than the numbers, however, are the facts. The lack of public attention on sexual assault has created a culture of silence and shame for victims who are less likely to report their assaults out of fear or mistrust for law enforcement. There are numerous reasons why rapes continue to occur with such high frequency rates but one aspect that guides this behavior is cultural norms that minimize women’s ability within society and ostracizes survivors outside it. There are many societal norms that contribute to the likelihood of rape taking place. There is a perception of the victim as an object that merely exists for sexual pleasure of others. A balance must be found between preserving the rights of individuals and also the rights of humanity to prevent sexual assault. The underlying belief here is that there are crimes where there is no victim; therefore, victims do not exist. Without a victim, there is no crime committed. The cultures in which women are raised play an integral role in whether or not they will report an incident of sexual assault. Victims whose culture views them as asexual or non-sexual have a much higher chance of not reporting abuse . In her paper, "The Good Society" Gary Becker discusses the positive impacts of the enlightened disincentive effect. In this model, cultural differences in attitudes to sex will affect crime rates. He believes that social norms exist which discourage criminal activity and punish behavior believed to be harmful to society. This thinking leads Becker to conclude that societies with an average less favorable attitude towards sex would have higher crime rates than those having a more favorable attitude towards sex. Although he believes that this is true in cases where rape is concerned, Becker cannot prove whether or not it is true. According to Carol Gilligan in her book "In A Different Voice", the need to talk about sexual assault has been suppressed by male dominance for centuries. Although there has been increased progress toward equality between men and women, this culture of silence still exists today. This suppression of women's sexuality has kept many women from being able to express themselves freely through speech. For centuries, women have been told that their voices are not welcome within society and that they are not important enough to be heard. This is a form of social control. In today's society, there is still been a great divide between the way men and women are taught to think when it comes to sex. Men are taught from an early age that they have the right to treat everyone in the world as objects for their sexual pleasures, while women are trained to seek respect, approval and love for what they give, not what they receive. Men are taught that it is their place to be dominant over females or else there will be punishment imposed upon them. Women's rights activists disagree with Becker's theory of justice saying he does not take into consideration race or class inequalities in which women of different races and classes experience different levels of sexual assault. cfa1e77820